Archive for the ‘Misc’ Category


Armed with my camera and a recorder, I set out to spend a day with Heidi Hess, a metalsmith in Georgetown, unsure of what to expect. I returned with an amazing story, a new friend — and a renewed zest for life.

I used Audacity to edit my audio track and Soundslides for the slideshow. This was my first attempt at audiovisual storytelling and I enjoyed putting this together. I hope you enjoy watching it, too. Feedback and comments are welcome.

Chicago Tribune’s Masthead Experiment

In their one-day only experiment, Chicago Tribune changed the masthead of Thursday’s print edition to list the Twitter IDs of their top executives and editors instead of their names.


In an interview with CNet, Bill Adee, the paper’s digital editor, says: “To show the many Twitter users among the paper’s audience that the Tribune gets the microblogging service, and to make it easy to get in touch with the top editors and executives, the publication decided to publish, for one day only, the Twitter-friendly masthead.”

What do you think? Is this the future of journalism?

Sometimes, Simple Says It Best

After reading hundreds of tech-savvy media strategists wax eloquent about social media on their blogs, this came as a refreshing change. Watch Michael Brito‘s little girls take a stab at explaining social media.

Great job, girls!